The Empire Strikes Back cover
The Empire Strikes Back cover

18 spoilers for the movie The Empire Strikes Back

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Dark Vador is Luke's father !!

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Luke learns to start using his left hand

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Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker, Luke's, who wants to rule the galaxy with his son.

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Most impressive

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There goes the fap hand

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Something, something, dark side

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Han solo learns: Inside a tauntaun stinky place to sleep

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There are no boobs in this movie. Also, it rips off Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer

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Single father tries to reestablish relationship with his children after years of neglect

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Han Solo and Princess Leia get together

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io sono tuo padreeee

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Black guy admits he is the father

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Guy makes out with his sister after he is raped by the abominable snow man

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Han tells Chewy where this one goes and that one goes.

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I'm your father

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Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targarean and Lianna Stark

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leia is hot in jabba's palace :p

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The Empire strikes back.

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