The Usual Suspects cover
The Usual Suspects cover

27 spoilers for the movie The Usual Suspects

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Kevin Spacey is Kayser Sauzé !

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Kevin Spacey's story is all made up ... pay attention to things in the room.

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The answer is... Kevin Spacey.

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The suspect is not a usual suspect at all

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Keyser Soze speaks a lot.

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K-Pax kills all them niggas.

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The crippled guy is Keyser Soze!

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Someone drops a coffee mug on the floor.

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Kevin Bacon was not in this film at all.

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Kevin spacey is Kaiser Soza

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There aren't any barbershop quartets in Skokie, Illinois.

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Kobayashi is a mug.

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Kevin Spacey tells a great story then becomes president on Netflix

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He cums on her face

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Kevin Spacey

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Kevin Spacey = Keyser Soze

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Frank Underwood is Keyser Soze!

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The guy with a limp is cured.

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the butler with the candlestick in the library.

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Kevin spacey looks a lot like Keyser Soze

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It was Kevin space all along

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they all gonna die except Kevin Spacey because he's Keyser Söze.

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mama is on the moon

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Franck Underwood is the bad guy.

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Kint is Söze

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Man feighns mental and physical illness to avoid a custodial sentence

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