Psycho cover
Psycho cover

8 spoilers for the movie Psycho

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Bates murders his mother years ago than develops split personalty believing he is his mother.

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Gets remade shot for shot by Gus Van Sandt starring fucking Vince Vaughn.

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The murderer is Norman Bates with split personality

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Normans Mother is rotting in the basement. Marions sister finds this and nearly gets killed by Bates

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Mad son murdered, mummified, dressed up as dead mom went around killing innocent.

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Crazy mad man Norman cross dressed to kill all innocents in this. Not his mom who was already dead.

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Marion got killed by Norman who crossdressed to stab innocents. Vera Miles survives in basement

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Woman checked into motel killed by owner's mother who was actually a coldblooded crosseddressed drag

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