Titanic cover
Titanic cover

57 spoilers for the movie Titanic

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In this version the boat will sink

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Rose lets go

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The boat sinks, Rose lives, Big rock gets thrown in the ocean.

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Rose doesn't like to share.

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The ship sails off into the sunset, and is later featured in the movie Ghost Ship.

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Jack drowns Rose to save himself, only to get brutally murdered in Chippewa Falls.

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Ship sinks, Jack Dies, Young Rose has an OK set of jugs & Old Rose throws the diamond into the Sea.

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jack drown rose to himself be alive

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Kill rose

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rose dies in the middle of the movie.

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There is a big ship

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Rose says "I'll never let go Jack". Rose lets go and Jack sinks to the bottom of the sea.

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Fuck you motherfucker!

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When your boat sinks, it's cool if you are rich.

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Rose trusts Jack, Jack shouldn't trust Rose

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Leo doesnt win an oscar

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The boat sinks, she could have saved him, and She had the neckless the whole time.

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The iceberg wins.

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The iceberg wins.

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The iceberg wins.

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Jack should have taken a plane.

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Leonardi DiCaprio Didn't get an Emmy for it

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Help, I don't have a life.

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My uncle told me I'm pretty.

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Jack sinks into the sea at the end, and washes ashore on a beach at the beginning of Inception.

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An iceberg gets scuffed

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Rose slept with the capitan, Jack kills him. Jack sinks boat. Kills all involved.

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Billy Zane is an asshole.

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The Titanic sinks.

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The ship sinks, people drown.

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There was enough room for jack too . But Rose was a bitch .

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Not recommended for people with hydrophobia.

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It sinks

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jack fucks the rose on the sea

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Rose lets go

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Jack does not die

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Leo lives in our hearts forever

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Boat sinks, Jack dies

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Rose could have let jack on the plank of wood. She didn't. He died.

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Lemme sum it up for ya: "Paint me like one of your French girls"

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People and jewelry get lost at sea.

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Old woman lies about hidden treasure.

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Titanic is the name of the boat

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si los dos hubieran subido a la tabla no habria historia

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Jack gets laid. Then he dies. Water is cold.

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jack dies

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Sink sinks...the end

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Rose and Jack have sex before Rose lets go

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I "Jack"ed off over a "Rose"

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the boat sinks

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She keeps the big rock.

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Jack is in fact a banana and rose puts him in her vagina. Jack dies btw.

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Leo died

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jack died

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Purple Heart

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