Interstellar cover
Interstellar cover

17 spoilers for the movie Interstellar

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Cooper saves the humanity and in the end his daugther is older than him

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Matt Damon cannot be trusted

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It's all in the books.

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It's all in the books.

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They get on the biggest boat ever; it hits an iceburg and sinks. Leo dies and Kate's heart will g on

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Cooper is the ghost in the bookshelf.

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The Black Hole is a library.

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Watches are actually morsecode devices from the future controlled by alien space libraries

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Love transcends time and space? Weak Chris Nolan...weak.

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There's Matt Damon in the movie.

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Decipher message through watch. also Morse Code.

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You cannot find out the end of the movie that's all

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You cannot find out the end of the movie that's all

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Cooper saves the Martian.

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matt is a mother######

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Astronaut trapped in wormhole talks to rapidly aging daughter through watch, saves world.

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