Inside Out cover
Inside Out cover

16 spoilers for the movie Inside Out

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Feelings have feelings.

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the voices in your head may stop you from getting away from SF. don't listen to them.

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Imaginary friend dies!

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Emotions have feelings too.

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Sadness and Joy duel for emotional control.

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Feelings have feelings. It's the circle of life

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bing bong dies

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Riley has all this happening in her mind in a span of I year, beginning of movie 11 yrs old end 12

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Bilbo Baggins gets forgotten forever.

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Bing Bong dies and then puberty

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Joy and Sadness make it back, Bing Bong dies and Riley ends up living happily in California.

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they go through trouble and the girl runs away then she comes home

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Joy stops being a bitch to Sadness. Riley goes through puberty, and meets schitziophrinia

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girl has creatures in her head that control her....she's basically a puppet...AWKWARRRRRRRRRRRRRRD

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Little girl has severe case of schizophrenia.

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Riley runs away and the control panel doesnt function until sadness controls the panel

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