Return of the Jedi cover
Return of the Jedi cover

18 spoilers for the movie Return of the Jedi

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The Empire is brought to its knees by primitive midget bears.

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George Lucas didn't stop here.

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Leia is Luke's sister. Vader kills the Emperor before dying and becomes a Force Ghost.

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The bad guys win by blowing up the space station and killing the heroic Emperor.

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Today's meal consists of one Boba Fett.

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The Jedi return.

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Ewoks help kill storm troopers. Vader kills paletine. Fred Doss cheers

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Darth Vader goes good!

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Luke doesn't get to bang Leia because she's his sister... Bummer Luke.

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It's a trap

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The Jedi return.

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Han Solo doesn't die ...yet.

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leia is hot:p

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The force is strong with Leia in sexy suit...She strangles Jabba the debauched Hutt with a chain!

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Chewie learn how to fly casual with a spaceship.

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Jabba the Hutt dies.

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A tribe of teddy bears and the rebels destroy death sphere #2 with sticks and stones.

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