Olympus Has Fallen cover
Olympus Has Fallen cover

19 spoilers for the movie Olympus Has Fallen

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs a lot of people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Gerard Butler stabs people in the head

Spoiler alert

Kang stabbed in da mofoking face m8

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